Entering Grid Math Equations

  1. Grids are sorted and stored by Gridding Geometry. To see additional horizon grids, select a different grid geometry file. Remember that all grids in an equation must have the same grid geometry.
  2. Enter a name for the Target Grid, which is the horizon grid to which grid math calculations are made. It is the left-hand term in the equation box. Select an existing horizon grid from the pulldown menu or enter a new horizon grid (default is ‘HzMath01’). If you select Report Statistics Only instead of Create New Grid File, ‘Statistics =’ will appear as the left-hand term.
  3. Active equation boxes are white. Equation for Time is active by default. To also create a Seismic Amplitude, Depth, Average Velocity or Interval Velocity grid change the Math for Time only setting. Click into an equation box to make the box active. Your cursor should be blinking on the right side of the equation.
  4. You must define an equation for Time even if you are only interested in creating a grid on some other attribute. If you like, you may set the Time equation equal to a constant such as 1000ms.
  5. To define the equations, do one or more of the following:
  1. Select a Reference Horizon for the result grid. To post well tops on maps with your grids, the grid must be associated with a horizon.
  2. Click Execute to start the grid math calculations.

See Grid Math Examples for more details.

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