How to open the horizon calculator dialog box
You have the following options:
Option | Description |
<AC> | Clears the active equation. |
<C> | Clears one character to the left of the cursor in the active equation. |
<Cancel> | Click <Cancel> to exit window and discard any changes you have made. |
<,> | Use a comma to separate variables in a function. |
Seismic Amplitude list | This feature gives you the option to extract the value of an instantaneous attribute for a picked horizon. This function will calculate the specified attribute for each trace a time value has been determined. |
Create New Horizon File list | Select Create New Horizon File to create a new horizon as defined by the equation box(es). Select Report Statistics Only to get a summary report of the calculation statistics without creating a new horizon. Statistics will appear in the Message box area. |
<Execute> | Click on <Execute> to begin your calculations. Statistics will appear in the Message area when the calculations are complete. Click <Done> when you have viewed statistics. |
Message section | Helpful hints, statistics on completed calculations, and error messages appear here. |
Number Pad section | Click on numbers or symbols in the number pad to enter them in the equation boxes. You can also enter numbers and symbols from your keyboard. |
Select Lines list | Select the 2D lines to include in the horizon math calculations by selecting one of three options from the Select Lines drop-down menu:
Select Areas list | Select the 3D areas to include in the horizon math calculations by selecting one of three options from the Select Areas drop-down menu:
Select Horz section | Double click on T[x] or A[x] to enter these horizons as time or amplitude variables, respectively, in the equation boxes at the bottom of the window. |
Target Horz (New) section | Horizon math calculations are made on the target
horizon. |
Time Unit in Math list | Set the time unit of constants entered in the equation to be us (microseconds), ms (milliseconds), or seconds.
Horizon math allows you to create new horizons from the mathematical manipulation of existing horizons. Equations are saved so that you do not have to enter them from scratch. You can calculate and view statistics without saving the results to a new horizon.
Calculations are performed on time alone or on time and one of the following seismic attributes: Seismic Amplitude, Instantaneous Amplitude, Instantaneous Phase, Instantaneous Frequency, or Apparent Polarity.
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