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Import CDF - Cartographic Data Format
- From the Applicationtoolbar select
| to open the Map Objects Converter dialog box.
- Use
the down arrow next to Import Type:
to select from all files if your file extension is not .cdf.
- Toggle on Coordinate Conversion if you need to change the map projection of the imported layer.
- Click the browse for file
to select the input .CDF file(s).
- Click <Open> to select the file and return to the Map Objects Converter dialog box.
- Select and Export Type from the list.
- Select from one of the three output modes:
- All Layers to
single output file - Merges all layers into one and creates as a single overlay layer
- Save each layer
to an individual Overlay - Each layer is saved as individual overlays.
- Save each layer
to an individual Underlay - Each layer is saved as individual underlays.
- Select Save to finish.
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