Keyboard Tab

Use the Keyboard tab to create custom keyboard shortcuts for common WinPICS commands. View image

Follow these steps:

  1. In the category list, select aWinPICS command category. The Commands window displays all the commands for that category.
  2. In the Commands window, select the command you want to create a shortcut for. When you select a command, a description of the command appears in the Description field.
  3. In the Press new shortcut key field, press the key(s) on your keyboard that you want to associate with the command. You can press more than one key. For example, <Ctrl>+<M>.
  4. Click <Assign> to assign the shortcut key to the command. WinPICS displays the keys in the Key assignments window.
  5. Click <Close>.

When you press the shortcut keys, WinPICS will perform the assigned command.

Other Options

The Keyboard tab has the following other options:

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