On the select | Seismic
Processing Functions.
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Either scale can be selected by clicking the AGC Scale, One-Gate RMS Scale, or Gas Absorption Ratio radio button.
Select the lines and/or areas that you wish to apply the scaling to by either clicking on them, or using the pull down options provided. Choose the version of SEGY data that will be processed into a new version.
The ratio is created by computing the RMS amplitude in a narrow time window above and below each trace sample. The RMS amplitude immediately above the data sample is divided by the RMS amplitude immediately below the data sample.
This ratio is output and replaces the original data sample. The ratio is computed for every sample on each trace and a new seismic line is output.
Instantaneous Energy is decreasing downwards when the ratio is greater than one, while instantaneous energy increases downwards when the ratio is less than one. The ratio will always have positive values.
This trace attribute can highlight gas filled reservoirs. Depending upon the processing parameters and the rock properties the ratio may be larger or smaller than one, but in gas filled reservoirs it frequently highlights anomalous gas filled zones.
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