WinPICS features a unique dynamic VistaBridge. GeoVista's rich and current geological database information is integrated with the WinPICS geophysical basemap. Integrate your geological and geophysical maps using VistaBridge, which enables two applications to draw in one map.
Geophysicists no longer need to update their basemap prior to making drilling or land decisions because their WinPICS basemap displays all the information on one map. The richness and currency of a geological basemap is now in WinPICS.
You automatically stay up to date with all activity in your prospect area. Land questions such as who owns the land, and when does it expire, or what was the price of the land, or which acreage is posted in the next land sale are all current and always available on your WinPICS
maps. View image
Figure: Browsing Mineral Rights on a Consistency Slice Display
Refine your geophysical interpretation with direct online access to Divestco’s digital and raster log inventory. Not only can you query WinPICS maps for wells with acoustic logs, but also you can search for logs from the deepest wells with production or the newest logs available. When logs from a competitor’s new discovery are publicly released, you can retrieve them from your WinPICS basemap.
Figure: VistaBridge Summarizes Project Data
WinPICS is statically linked to GeoVista using the VistaBridge tool.
GeoVista can easily populate the WinPICSwell and layer databases, as well as update existing well-spot databases with new or modified well
information including both ministry and user tops. View image
Figure: Loading GeoVista Grid, Wells and Culture into WinPICS (Overview)
Follow these steps to load GeoVista data into your WinPICS project:
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