Grid Geometry From 3D or Existing Grid

You may select the geometry of a 3D or an existing grid and use it for the gridding geometry. When you select the geometry of a 3D, WinPICS will use the 3D bin locations as grid nodes. Selecting an existing grid will save you set up time and keep maps consistent from grid to grid.

  1. In the Kernel Gridding dialog box, click <Get Geometry From 3D or Grid Data>. WinPICS  opens a list of 3Ds in this project.
  2. To select a 3D, click on the 3D name in the list.
  3. Click on Browse for 3D/G3D File to select a 3D geometry or grid geometry from another project directory. Use standard Windows commands to find the correct directory and open the file you want.
  4. Click the <Select Gridded Horizon From List> button to select a grid geometry from this project by grid name. When you select a geometry, WinPICS displays the grid parameters.
  5. Click <Apply> to display the grid geometry over-layed on your gridding map.
  6. When you are satisfied with your selection click <OK>.

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