You are here: Working in WinPICS > Gridding > Create Horizon Grids

Creating Horizon Grids - Overview

The following workflow takes you through the typical steps to create horizon grids.

  1. From the Map Menu bar select Grid and Contour | Create Horizon Grids (or press <Ctrl> + <g> on your keyboard) to open the Choose Horizon For Gridding dialog box.
  2. In the Do Gridding column, double-click to select the check boxes for the horizons you want to grid. See: Select Data to Grid.
  3. If you want to rename your grid, double-click the name, and enter an appropriate name.
  1. Click <Execute> to open the Gridding dialog box.
  2. Select a gridding method. This is the algorithm WinPICS applies to horizon data to calculate and assign values to a grid.
  3. Define a new grid geometry by specifying the grid area, number of grid lines, and the grid spacing. You may Rename the grid geometry to make it easier to identify should you wish to reuse this geometry to create future grids. Alternately, select an existing grid geometry from the pull down list or use Get Geometry From 3D or Grid Data button to select the geometry of a 3D or existing grid from another project directory.
  4. Optional: Switch between data sets when gridding more than one horizon or attribute at a time. Control which data is included in gridding calculations by turning on \ off  2D, 3D, Well and or Control Points. Add, edit or import Control Points to bias gridding results.
  5. Use the default Data Trend Treatment. OR specify how trends in your data are treated by selecting the Action on Trend. and method you will be  Modelling Trend With. (You can also use these options to map Trend alone or Residuals).
  6. Default settings for each of the Gridding Methods produce acceptable grids in most cases. For better control over gridding results, see More Options.
  7. Click <Execute> to begin gridding or click <Cancel> to exit the window without gridding.

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