Create, Edit, and Move Points on the Map

WinPICS enables you to group, create, and edit points on your map. Read more about points

Create a group and add a point to it

  1. On the Points tab of the Layer Manager, right-click, and select New Points Group from the shortcut menu.
  2. Type a name for the new points folder.
  3. Right-click your new folder, and select New Points from the shortcut menu.
  4. Name the new points group. View image

  1. Double-click on the new points group to activate it for editing. The box for the group in the Layer Manager turns from red to green, and the Points Tools toolbar activates. Your cursor in the Map window changes to a pencil icon. You can now use your cursor to create and move points on your map.
  2. Double-click on a location on your map. A dialog box opens asking you to enter a value.
  3. Type a value for the point, and click <OK>. If you want to use a point as a control point for time gridding, then type the value in microsecond units. For example, type a point value of 100000 for 1000 microseconds. Your new point appears on the map, labeled with the value you assigned to it. View image

  1. To continue adding points, double-click on a new location. By default, WinPICS will assign the point the same value as the last point your created. If you want to set the value of each point as you create it, click on the Points Tools toolbar to change to points variable mode. If you want to assign the same value to each point, click to return to points constant mode.

Select Points

If you have a group of points on your map, you can select one or more of them, and then edit or move them.

Select points individually

  1. Open the Points tab of the Layer Manager bar.
  2. Double-click on the points group to activate it. The box for the group in the Layer Manager turns from red to green. Your cursor turns to a pencil icon.
  3. Click on a point to select it. The point highlights blue, to show that is it active.
  4. To select more points, hold down the <Ctrl> key on your keyboard, and select the points. You can work with the selected points collectively, by editing or moving them.

Select multiple points at the same time

  1. Open the Points tab of the Layer Manager bar.
  2. Double-click on the points group to activate it. The box for the group in the Layer Manager turns from red to green. Your cursor turns to a pencil icon.
  3. Click and drag over the area of the map where you points are located. Release when you have captured all of the points you want to select.

Edit points

You can work with points in your map. Right-click on a point to open a shortcut menu with the following options:

Option Description
Change Points Value... Open a dialog box where you can type a value for your point.
Delete Point Delete the point.
Select All Point Select all the points in a group.
Undo Point Selection Undo all selections of points.
Undo Point Move Return the points to their last locations before you moved them.
Exit Point Mode With Save Save any changes to the points group and close out of edit mode.
Exit Point Mode Undo your last action and close out of edit mode.

Move points

You can move points on your map individually, or as a group.

Move an individual point

  1. In point edit mode (your cursor is a pencil), click on a point on your map to activate it. A blue box appears around the point.
  2. Click on the point, and drag it to a new location.
  3. Right-click on the point, and select Save from the shortcut menu.

Move a group of points

  1. In point edit mode (your cursor is a pencil), draw a box around the points you want to move. Alternatively, you can right-click on one point in the group, and select Select All from the shortcut menu. A blue box appears around each point.
  2. Click on one of the points, and drag it to a new location. All of the other activated points move also, keeping their spatial relationship to the point your dragged.
  3. Right-click on one of the points, and select Save from the shortcut menu.

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