Create Instantaneous Slice Files

WinPICS creates an instantaneous slice file your 3D data based on the time range you specify.

Follow these steps to create instantaneous slices:

  1. On the Map menu bar, select Slice | Create Standard Slices....
  2. Select the 3D seismic you wish to include.
  3. Select the attribute you want to create slices for in Data Type. The default data type is your current version, which is the 3D seismic file with the largest extension number. You may select a different version of your 3D file or an instantaneous attribute file.
  4. Set the Sample Type as original, 16-bit Int, or 8-bit Int for the output slice file. If the hard disk space is at a minimum, select 8-bit Int.
  5. Specify a top and a bottom time range in milliseconds under Slice Data Range. You can slice the entire volume or select smaller subsets to save time and disk space.
  6. Type a value for the working buffer.
  7. Click <OK>to begin calculation or click <Cancel>to exit window.

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