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Multiple branches can be added to the main fault to interpret areas with complex structure. Branches do not have to be physically connected to the main fault. They are volume interpolated as a unit with the main fault.
The fault branches are assigned the same name as the main fault but with a number in parentheses at the end of the name. For example, if you add a branch to an existing fault named ‘Fault1’, the fault would be renamed ‘Fault1(1)’ and the branch would be named ‘Fault1(2)’. Since branches are named in order, you can’t create a ‘Fault1(4)’ before
creating a ‘Fault1(3)’.
Adding Branches to Faults
- Select the fault you wish to work with by clicking Show
List of Horizons/faults
on the Horizon
Picking toolbar (or press <p>
on your keyboard). Highlight the fault, and click <OK>.
- Select from the
menu bar (or press <b> on your keyboard).
- Draw the fault branch in the same manner as you have drawn the main fault.
- Right-click to end the fault branch interpretation.
- You can also use the <b>
hot-key to make the next fault branch active for editing. Pressing <b> runs you through the list
of fault branches for your main fault. The active branch name is shown
in the Status bar in the upper left-hand corner of the Seismic
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