You are here: Working in WinPICS > Interpret Seismic > Synthetics > Define Default Synthetic Panels

Project Preferences - Synthetic Tab

Use the Synthetic tab to define your default synthetic panels. WinPICS will save the preferences as defaults for this project. View image

For detailed information on generating synthetics, read more.

This tab has the following features:

Set the values in these boxes to define the filters for your synthetic. As you configure filter tracks in this section, you can add them to the Synthetic Panels window.

You have the following options:

Ricker Wavelet - This wavelet represents ideal viscoelastic behaviour. Set the period in milliseconds, with a default value of 26.0 milliseconds. You can instead change the peak frequency in Hertz, with a default value of 30.0 Hertz. Note that changing the frequency (or period) will automatically change the other value.

Ormsby Wavelet - Set the four frequency values. The frequencies must increase from Stop1 to Stop 2. The default values are:

Butterworth Wavelet - Set the low and high frequencies and the low and high slopes of the curve. The default values are:

Klauder Wavelet - Set the start and end frequencies of the sweep. Set the sweep length (10.00 to 100.00 seconds). Set the taper length (0.00 to half the sweep length). The default values are:

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