How to Create a Fence in an Area With Overlapping 3D Surveys

If you want to create a fence in an area of overlapping 3D surveys, you first need to send one 3D survey in the background, enabling you to define the fence on the second 3D area. Read more.

Example Workflow to Create a Fence

  1. To begin creating a fence, click Enter Fence Mode from the Fence toolbar (or press <f> on your keyboard).
  2. Click Fence Mode, and choose mode from the drop down menu (or press <3> on your keyboard).
  3. Pass your cursor over the map window. A set of cross-hairs parallel to the In-line and Cross-line directions will appear. Left click on a starting point.
  4. Press <b> on your keyboard to push the current 3D to the background.
  5. Left click in the zone where traces from the first 3D overlap traces from the second 3D. This defines the end of the first segment and the beginning of the second segment.
  6. Drag the cursor to a new location and left click to define the end of the second segment.
  7. Traces in the first segment are all from the first 3D, while the traces in the second segment are from the second 3D.
  8. Click Display Fence and choose Drag and Drop Fence  (or press <D> on your keyboard) to display the fence in a new or existing seismic window.

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