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Compute Times For Deviated Wells

The Compute Times function is used to calculate a survey time using a time/depth curve from an assigned checkshot survey.

Before the survey time can be calculated, you will import a well survey or hand enter a well survey and compute X,Y,Z values for the well X-offset, Y-offset and TVD. Survey time well be computed using TVD as the reference depth for the calculation. Survey time must be calculated for the deviated well to appear on the seismic display. You have two options for computing times for deviated wells:

Compute times for multiple wells

  1. On the Application toolbar select |Well Database.
  2. Highlight the wells for which survey time is to be calculated. (Multi-selection of wells can be accomplished using the <Shift> and <Ctrl> keys).
  3. Select Survey Functions | Compute Times.
  4. Click <Save> to save the new computed times and close the Well-spot Database dialog box.

Compute times for a single well

  1. Select the well in the Map window or well database.
  2. Click <Edit> to open the Edit Well Spot dialog box.
  3. Double-click the borehole to open the Edit Borehole dialog box.
  4. Type the top and bottom hole times.
  5. Back in the Edit Well Spot dialog box, select Survey | Edit.
  6. In the Well Survey dialog box, click <Compute Time>.

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