Horizon Tab Shortcut Menu

Right-click on an object in the Horizon tab of the Layer Manager bar to open this shortcut menu:

Menu Option Description
New Horizon Group Create a custom group to store specific horizons.
New Horizon Create a new horizon.
New Fault Create a new fault.
Delete Delete a horizon or fault.
Remove this copy Remove the copy of a horizon without deleting the original horizon or other copies.
Delete all other copies Delete all copies of the horizon. You'll keep the horizon you right-clicked, but delete all of its copies.
Rename Rename a horizon or fault.
Send To Send the horizon to another folder.
History Create notes to track the history of your horizon.
Properties Edit the properties of your horizon or fault.
Set as Reference Make this horizon or fault the reference.
Consolidate Highlighted Horizons Merge selected horizons into a new horizon.
Sort Ascending Sort the horizons or faults alphabetically from a to z.
Sort Stratigraphically Sort the horizons or faults by time, from shallowest to deepest.

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