Synthetic TOPS information can be imported from an LAS file, or hand entered in the Well-spot Database.
Synthetic TOPS names are associated with WinPICS horizon names. When you post or grid data for a horizon, WinPICS makes the well data for associated TOPS names available. The associations are created while Importing Well Logs/Creating Synthetics, but may be created manually or edited at any time.
Click on Select
Well|Well Synthetic
from the toolbar,
and left-click on the well synthetic. In the Edit Well-spot dialog box, select
Tops | Edit. The Edit TOPS dialog box
will open displaying the list of imported TOPS.
To create a horizon cross reference, left-click on a TOP Name, then an Existing Horizon. Select From Horz to make the association.
Click on Select Well|Well Synthetic from
the toolbar, and
left-click on the well synthetic. In the Edit Well-spot dialog box, select
Tops | Edit.
Enter a new depth for the TOP, then select Recompute Well Time to determine the time at which the TOP is to be displayed on the synthetic panel. The well time computation will look for a time depth pair from the following criteria, in order to preform the calculation:
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