2D Seismic Survey Import

Use a survey file to import your 2D data when your trace header is missing shotpoints and/or X/Y coordinates. To import using a survey file, follow these instructions:

  1. Follow the step-by-step import instructions starting with Preparing for SEG-Y Import. When you get to the 'Fix 2D Coordinate Import' window, click on Process Coordinates/Shotpoints.
  2. The Resurvey dialog box will open. Click on <Import Survey> to import your ASCII survey file. Select your survey file using standard Windows commands.
  3. The Define ASCII Format dialog box will open. Read more about how to define the format so that WinPICS can read your shotpoints and x/y coordinates. Click <OK>.
  4. The Match ASCII Lines to XY Files dialog box will open. Associate your SEG-Y file with the line name contained within the survey file by highlighting both files and clicking on Make Association. Select to Match by Shotpoint or Match by Trace and click <OK>.
  5. Scroll through your data in the Resurvey window to make sure the shotpoints and x/y coordinates are correct. (See Resurvey Utilities for details on the other functions in this window.) Click <OK>.
  6. To continue with import, continue to Import Wizard Step 3 - Line Intersections and Seismic Import Properties.

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