You are here: Working in WinPICS > Work with Well Data > Deviation Surveys

Deviation Surveys

A deviation survey is used to draw the path of a well bore on the Map view of your project and to properly position tops. In addition, a stick will be displayed on your seismic showing the path of the well bore in time. A checkshot survey is used to position the survey in time.

The ideal order of operations

  1. Import Well-spots
  2. Import Checkshot Surveys
  3. Import Well TOPS
  4. Import Well Surveys

If the well survey is imported after the checkshot file, the well time for the bore hole can be calculated during the import step. If this order is not followed you may manually calculate the time relationship using Survey Functions found in the Well-spot Database dialog.

File Formats

Two types of survey files can be imported. You can import all the values needed to define the survey or import only the basic data and compute survey values.

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