Compute Seismic Time at Well

The Compute Seismic Time function is used to extract the nearest seismic time for well tops. Seismic times are used to calculate average and/or interval velocities at the borehole. (See Compute Velocities)

Before you can Compute Seismic Time, you must import or hand enter Well-spots, and Well Tops. You must have picked a horizon or horizons on your seismic and have associated the horizon with the appropriate well top.

Compute Seismic Time

Follow these steps:

  1. On the Application toolbar select |Well Database.
  2. Highlight the wells which seismic times are to be extracted. (Multi-selection of wells can be accomplished using the <Shift> and <Ctrl> keys).
  3. Select TOPS Functions then Compute Seismic Time.
  4. Select a Maximum Projection Distance in map units.
  5. Click <OK>.

When the seismic time extraction has been completed, a check mark will appear in the TOPS Seis Time column of the Well-spot database dialog box.

To check that the correct seismic time has been extracted, double-click on a well with a check mark in the TOPS Seis Time column of the Well-spot database dialog box. In the Edit Well Spot dialog box, click the <Edit TOPS> button. View image

The extracted time values are a function of a two-way time interval and will appear in the Seis Time column of the Edit TOPS window.

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