You are here: Working in WinPICS > Interpret Seismic > Line Ties > Wavelet Matching

Wavelet Matching / Transfer Function - Overview

The wavelet matching/transfer function is used to apply an operator to a seismic dataset to tie it with another seismic dataset. It is particularly useful for applying non-linear phase corrections.

Opening the Wavelet Matching/Transfer Function

Right click on the seismic line you wish to analyze or adjust and select Tie with Diagnostics from the shortcut menu (or press <t> on your keyboard). Note that the seismic line must be part of a fence in order to use the diagnostic line tie functions. Click on the Wavelet Matching/Transfer Function tab. View image

Understanding the Wavelet Matching/Transfer Function Window

As you make adjustments, the power spectrum is recalculated and the seismic is automatically updated.

Using the Wavelet Matching/Transfer Function

  1. Define your area of interest by specifying a start and end time under Time Window.
  2. Select which Reference Line you which to use.
  3. Enter the number of traces to use in the wavelet matching/transfer function under Average Traces.
  4. Select Rectangular, Hanning, or Hamming under Time Gate to define the shape of the cutoff applied to the function in the time domain to transfer it to the frequency domain.
  5. Set the amount of smoothing for the power spectrum under Smooth Spect (Hz).
  6. Set the Scale Spectrum as Relative or Individual.
  7. Fine-tune the operator by clicking on Move to Design Window. The Move to Design window allows you to select amplitude and/or phase corrections, set the operator length, manually edit the amplitude or phase spectrum, and open a saved wavelet.
  8. Apply the operator from the Move to Design window.

For more information about the options on this tab, see the Tie with Diagnostics dialog box.

Display Options

Click <Wavelet Wnd Display Option> to open the Display Option for Transfer Function dialog box, where you can change curve positions, curve colors, and axis ranges, or enable cursor tracking.

What do you want to do?

Creating Fences - Overview

Cross-Correlation - Overview

Display Option - Wavelet Matching Window

Line Ties - Overview

Spectral Analysis - Overview