Horizons Management

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How to open the horizons management dialog box

In the Seismic window, click on the Horizon Picking toolbar, or select Interpret | Horizon/Fault List from the main menu.

Use this dialog box to work with horizons in the Seismic window. You have the following options:

Expand or Collapse the View

Each item in the Horizons Management dialog box resides in Horizons folder or the Faults folder.

To see the items in each folder, you need to open (expand) the folder view. You can quickly see that a folder is expanded because it displays a minus sign to the lift of the folder. When a folder is closed (collapsed), you see a plus sign.

View or Hide Horizons

To view a horizon on the Seismic window, you need to make sure you have the item's check box selected in the Horizons Management dialog box.

Move Folders and Items

For organizational reasons, you might want to rearrange the order of your folders and items (layers, lines, horizons, or points) in the Horizons Management dialog box. The order of the items in the list determines the order they are displayed in the Map window, with top item displaying as the top layer. You can move the objects by clicking and dragging them to a new position.

Shortcut menu options

Right-click on a folder or item to open a shortcut menu, where you can select other options for working with your horizons.

Menu Option Description
New Horizon Group Create a custom group to store specific horizons.
New Horizon Create a new horizon. WinPICS does not limit the number of horizons you can add to a line or volume.
New Fault Create a new fault.
Delete Delete a horizon or fault.
Rename Rename a horizon or fault.
History Create notes to track the history of your horizon.
Properties Edit the properties of your horizon or fault.
Flatten to this Flattens the seismic display on this horizon or fault.
Set Current Sets the current horizon/fault as the event for picking.
Sort Ascending Sort the horizons or faults alphabetically from a to z.
Sort Stratigraphically Sort the horizons or faults by time, from shallowest to deepest.

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